The Loft Audio Papers by David Mancuso

The Loft Speaker Placement Diagram

The Loft Audio Papers by David Mancuso

Room acoustics of course, is rule # 1 for any good reproduction of sound. This will give you all the equalization that you will need.

Reference Level w/pink noise – 80 db >>>using a SPL meter set @ 80 db — slow mode — C weighted

(in real stereo):

Left front spkr. and right front spkr. (77 db) —> together 80 db

The middle side speakers are delayed at 15 milliseconds and -3 db (74 db) —> together 77 db

The rear side speakers are delayed at 30 milliseconds and —6 db (71 db) —> together 74 db

The front center speaker is in mono -6 db (bridged) —->74 db

Never delay the front speakers…sides only — reinforcement purposes

The ML-2 (Mark Levinson) mono amplifiers are 25 watts each. You can use just one on each of the K-horn’s. btw…Klipsch needs only 10 “real watts” to perform to the max, as they are extremely efficient.

(The over all system’s normal total use would be: – 70 real watts (Class A) for maximum performance of both channels which cover all of the 7 full range speakers (entire system). Maximum power: 25 watts per amplifier x 7 amps. = 175 Class A watts).

The dividing network can actually be by passed using Y connections if you wanted to. This simplifies the set up even more.

The K-horns have passive cross overs/3-way speaker, thereby no need for electronic cross overs or bi-amping (WITH GOOD ROOM ACOUSTICS)

Koetsu (Onyx) signature moving coil cartridges are used on the modified technics 1100’s w/koetsu tone arm.

Volumetric’s of the room: This system is used in a room that has 27′ ceilings – 50′ wide – over all 100′ in length. The sound fills the room effortlessly and efficiently. Average gain setting (main gain on pre-amp) used is about 25% (2.5 on the volume control) to reach 100 db + or – 3db for the entire room. All internal gains are kept in low positions.

Note: This is not a ‘mancuso sound system formula’ – as there are no secrets or magic formulas when it comes to the physics and fundamentals of sound. Anyone trying to tell you other wise…is misleading. Some of the audio salesman out there have often but one purpose in mind —that within 20 minutes of talking to you, they will have you in a trance and before you know it you have handed over your wallet.

Anyone can learn to set up a system like this. It would take about 10 hours to “get it.”

Even if you use Class B componets or even less….using this set up will be honest and musical.

If you rent a system or for sure if you buy one and have it installed, you are suppose to get a schematic/drawing so you know what’s what with your system. Other wise you will be at the mercy of the installer. I have seen this happen only to often. You should obtain the drawing/schematic at the same time you would make your down payment. You do not want to end up in a dark room without a flash light.

Bottom line: Remember, you want to hear the music…not the sound system. (transparent)

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